Personal Development and Mindset coach
Philosopher/Author, Equine Communicator

Jennifer Walker or to her friends Jen.D is the course presenter at “Unbridle the Mind” has over twenty years’ experience working with people, helping develop a strong mindset. Jen believes when you understand how to focus your mind and thoughts in the direction of the things you desire your life will become a masterpiece of your own design.

Jen conducts courses on mindset and personal development.

Life Philosophy

The journey of life can take many twists and turns, Jen knows only too well it’s in “life’s experiences” that we can learn a deeper understanding and compassion. With Jen’s qualifications as an NLP Master coach and practitioner, qualified Hypnotherapist, qualified Timeline therapist accreditation and training she has the wonderful ability of supporting others through the challenging stages and experience’s in life.

Jen is available for one on one coaching sessions, and is the author of “Make Happy a Habit” a philosophy based on learning how to direct our thoughts, therefore changing our emotional feeling state. ‘Change your thoughts change your life” If a person learns the secrets of focusing on the things that make them feel good, life will be a joyful ride. Kindness, compassion, growth and understanding is what the “Unbridle the Mind” courses are all about!

How horses can teach life lessons

To be outstanding with horses, not just a good rider, one must be able to communicate with a horse on a deep level. This requires a person  to look within themselves to develop the attributes of a sound mind and steady congruent emotions.

After coaching many people over the years Jennifer says “I could see a real lack of understanding in the basics of how, as human beings, our mindset influences the results we achieve.

Jen says “I see it over and over, a lack of belief, conviction and self worth,  can ultimately get a person in a whole heap of bother in life, yes it could be in riding a horse, but it also comes into play in every area of life, relationships, money and health.”

The laws that govern how our thoughts create our lives is as powerful as the laws of gravity!

Jen has been a coach for over twenty five years, is a PSYCH K® Facilitator a qualified Hypnotherapist, Master NLP coach and Timeline® therapist.

Horse and life Philosophy

In our “Unbridle the Mind” personal development retreats Jen’s horses are facilitators in helping people reconnect with their inner world. Horses have tremendous healing power and sometimes just being in their presence and mirroring a horses breathing can help a person experience radical changes in how their emotional state. Jen likes to use a more gentle approach with horses.  Horsemanship training principals are based on a deep knowledge of horse psychology, developing understanding, patience, co-operation and mutual respect, which in turn helps create a true bond between horse and human. Jen feels the secret is to listen, which helps to build trust and a deep connection with both horses and humans.

Our Team

Luke Pearce

Master Hypnotherapist – NLP Performance Coach – Time Line Therapy Coach at Self-Mastery With Luke Pearce

Luke is a Master Hypnotherapist- NLP practitioner and Time line Therapy Coach.

Luke is one our our amazing life transformation team facilitators here at “Unbridle the Mind”. His skills and knowledge in the area of helping people release negative and debilitating emotions that can be creating feelings of depression and anxiety are simply amazing.

How do I know this? I myself have done the Time Line therapy process with Luke, and I can highly recommend the easy and painless approach that quickly helps you feel carefree and at ease.

Luke Pearce Master Hypmptherapist

James Lewis

Energy medicine specialist , Bowen therapist. James works with clients of all ages and functional ability, and from all walks of life.

He believes there is a chain effect including an interconnection between the physical body, emotional body, mental body and the spiritual body. Whenever there is a physical pain, discomfort or disease in the body a missing link or energy blockage has been created and it is reflected in all aspects of our life.

To create healing the missing link or block needs to be identified and remedied.

Using very specific energy clearing techniques to release blockages and activate our energies. These processes may also include draining & clearing traumas from our cellular memory, realigning tendons, liberating nerve impingement’s and repairing ligaments to create structural change and eliminate pain and discomfort.

James Lewis Bowen Therapist

Jennifer’s Mission
Jennifer’s mission is to share powerful tools and strategies to enable individuals to create the best version of themselves!