“Harness the Team”
Leadership and team building courses

Why are horses such amazing teachers?

That’s because horses are astonishingly effective at giving accurate, unbiased, immediate feedback on your leadership style.

  • A horse communicates primarily through body language.  To be effective with horses, your mind set, emotions, and body language must be completely congruent.
  • A horse doesn’t care about your name, status, fame, position, your past achievements or the letters behind your name.  It will give you honest feedback.
  • The horses reflect back to you moment to moment, whether you like it or not.
  • Horses are prey animals.  If you suddenly doubt your actions, the horse will sense it immediately and challenge your leadership.
  • Horses are herd animals, they naturally look for an authentic and confident leader
  • Learning from hands on experience with horses helps participants retain a deeper understanding and longer lasting results

This course is all about people, bringing unity through understanding into the workplace environment.

Who is this course for?

Unbridle the Mind leadership courses are for individuals and teams wanting to develop a synergy between the levels of management and employees within an organisation.

The benefits include:-

  • Better communication
  • Harmonious working environment
  • Increased productivity
  • Heighten awareness, reducing conflict
  • Body language awareness

We have also been told participants found the tools learned at “Unbridle the Mind” has enabled better personal relationship within the family units.

Courses can be developed with specific targeted outcomes tailored to individual companies requirements. Options of half day or one to three day retreats available.

Contact Jennifer for bookings and price details

Come along and join one of our courses!  If you are an individual wanting to reclaim your life, a business desiring a better more workable environment and team or just to take your life to a whole new level, knowing you are in control contact us today!!!