“Unbridle the Mind” Weekend Program

Come and experience a unique equine experience, a deeply liberating journey into the soul. I am honoured to share my four legged equine friends and the insights they have to impart.

Being in the presence of a horse can be a powerful catalyst in helping you feel calm and at one in mind, body and spirit. Working closely with horses can highlight the importance of mastering your minds focus and mastering your emotional state.

Horses can give us insight to our own inner workings by giving immediate and honest feedback; they are wonderful mirrors to the soul.

The “Unbridle the Mind” course is a wonderful opportunity for you to recognise, uncover and put to use your most powerful resources, your mind and your inner guidance.

Many people have been experiencing poor emotional states including stress, anxiety or depression throughout the Covid19 experience, well we are here to help.

Our aim is to help bring participants back into a state of calm and balance, you will discover numerous processes and resources which will enable you to continue the feelings of well being and a sense of relief and clarity in you life after the course has finished.

Spending time in nature and connecting with these magnificent creatures will create feelings of connection and harmony to all that attend.

Course philosophy

Our courses are based on cutting edge principals.
When we truly understand how to harness the power of our thinking and emotions we become the creators of our lives.

Personal development courses with horses

(No horse experience necessary)

Firstly, so how can the horses help?

When you get to connect with a horse something magical happens, they can wash away stress and give you a sense of calm in just one session.

Our horses have been very specially chosen for their generous and kind natures. First you will find that your breathing becomes slower and more relaxed, next you may experience your mind becoming quiet allowing more insights and a sense of clarity to prevail.

The time with the horses allows a feeling of relaxation which we then take into our learning component of the course. When we are relaxed we are more open to releasing the past and opening our mind to new ways of living!

Horses are wonderful catalysts for bringing you into a state of living in the moment.

We look forward to helping you discover a joyful, calm and happy way of life.

Course information

This weekend course is a non-riding course, what that means is bonding and communication exercises are done unmounted therefore no previous horse experience is required.

At some courses there maybe the opportunity to lay on a horse bareback, (with no saddle) to enable the participant to relax and feel the rhythm of the horses breath and heartbeat this is a very special experience however it is not compulsory, there are many ways to experience a deep connection with our horses including laying down together and liberty work which is letting a horse go free and letting him connect and play with you.

This course is designed with adults in mind however it can be a wonderful bonding activity for parents with their children. Children must be 10 years and older to attend an Unbridle the Mind weekend.

If a child feels confident to attend solo, parents can leave their child with us for the day, supervision and lunch can be organised in the lunch time break for a small additional fee. We generally have a few of Jennifer’s teenage students that are helpers throughout the weekend too and are always happy to make friends with the younger participants.

What to wear?

  • We recommend a long sleeve shirt with a collar for sun protection where possible.
  • Long or short pants are ok,
  • Enclosed shoes are compulsory, short boots are best, however joggers can also be worn.
  • No high heels or flowing tops or dresses please.
  • A sun hat or cap is recommended.
  • Sunscreen is also recommended.

What we supply

You will receive:

  • A workbook, pen and notepad
  • Lunch, plus Morning and afternoon tea is supplied
  • Fresh fruit throughout the day

What experience do you need?

No horse experience necessary

Please make sure to fill out the questionnaire prior to your first retreat.

The Unbridle the Mind courses are both theory and practical.

The morning sessions include some light hearted meditation exercises to calm the mind and several process to help develop your focus and mindset.

Topics include mindfulness, listening to our intuition, horse safety, how your thoughts effect your mood and those around us, horse energy systems, heartmath principals of heart based living and communication and body language awareness.

Contact Jennifer for bookings and price details

Come along and join one of our courses!  If you are an individual wanting to reclaim your life, a business desiring a better more workable environment and team or just to take your life to a whole new level, knowing you are in control contact us today!!!